March 3, 2025

Avatar Legends: Not better in Genesys

 The Dork Night group is currently playing through the Avatar Legends RPG and there has been mixed opinions on the system. As a joke, I was asked to make a Power Point presentation about my opinions. As a joke, I actually did.

Below are the PNG exports from the Google Slides presentation I put together over a lunch break which illustrates some of my critical thoughts on Avatar Legends. The notes on alternative systems is because parts of the Dork Night group have said that the game would be better in Genesys. The references to Mouse Guard are partially joking, but maybe closer to be correct than first pass...

October 8, 2024

Commander Farsight Project Diary

Commander Farsight Project Diary

Commander Farsight, hero (and villian?) of the T'au Empire's Second Sphere Expansion. Armed with the Dawnblade, Commander Farsight is one of the few, if not the only, T'au Empire model that has any melee capability. 

 When I originally started my T'au Empire army, I chose a paint scheme of red and khaki for my custom crab inspired Cru'stea Sept. Looking at some of the canon Septs (A Sept being, more or less, what T'au call different factions), I really connected two of them. 

The first Sept I latched on to was the N'dras Sept, a faction that was heavily dedicated to the stealth suit wing of the T'au Empire. The T'au stealth suits, both the new XV25 and the old XV15, the XV95 Ghostkeel, and the stealth suit hero Commander Shadowsun are my favorite parts of the T'au Empire range and lore. The N'dras Sept was a semi-official Sept which was dedicated to the stealth suit range and the development of the XV95 Ghostkeel. Images showed them in a light desaturated green color (a color I very much liked), but most of the painted armies showed them in a saturated green-blue color (a color I didn't like).

The next Sept I connected with was the dark red of the Farsight Enclaves. These fish-folk were the followers of Commander Farsight, a radical and aggressive T'au commander. I really liked the dark red color scheme, and some of the more samurai motives of this Sept, but it also felt too "edge-lordy" for my taste.

After some debate, I finally just settled on creating my own Sept with the dark red of the Farsight Enclaves, mixed with a khaki color. I also focused on building up my stealth suit range of which my Ghostkeel is my favorite T'au model (although I really have a soft spot for the old out-of-print metal XV15 stealth suits).

However, a few years ago, Games Workshop released a new Commander Shadowsun and Commander Farsight model, and I really do like both of them. While I still need to get the new Shadowsun (I have the old fine-cast model), I was gifted the Commander Farsight model for my birthday this year!

 Commander Farsight would be the first T'au model I've painted in a long time. I really liked his sculpt and pose, so I decided to take my time to work on him and try out some new techniques. One of the new things I tried was panel lining with an enamel wash (Tamiya Panel Liner Black) to really try to get the model to pop. The panel liner was a little tricky to use cleanly, but had a great affect on some of the white and red panels. It probably took two passes to get a really dark black in the recesses, so I'm not sure I did everything correctly, but it easier than trying to panel line with an acrylic black wash. The hardest part of painting him was getting a smooth, bright white.

Below is a compilation of photos taken during painting of my Commander Farsight model.

Game photos, mid progress.

June 12, 2024

Hearth Guard - Project Diary

 Below is a series of pictures and notes regarding my recent new Warhammer 40,000 army project. After splitting the 10th Edition Leviathan launch box, and seeing a lot of my White Scars army get hit with the Legends hammer, I decided to start a new Primaris only* Space Wolves army.

While I don’t love the wolfy part of the the Space Wolves, I do enjoy the Viking part. I also like the baby blue color, but didn’t care for the whole model to be baby blue, nor did I want the traditional snow bases of a Space Wolves army. My solution was to create my own successors (or my own Great Clan if you’re really a stickler) called the Hearth Guard. They would be inspired by the Hounds of Morkai color scheme and take a more ritualistic and Icelandic tone. 

Miniatures List

Terminator Captain -Tx

Terminator Librarian -Tx

x5 Terminator Squad -Tx

x5 Infernus Squad -Tx

x5 Infernus Squad -Tx

Phobos Lieutenant (Conversion) -Tx

A. Biologis (Conversion-Librarian?) -Tx

SW Captain -Tx N/A

x5 Intercessors -Tx N/A

x5 Intercessors -Tx N/A

x5 Infiltrators -Tx

Ballistus Dreadnought -Tx

Redemptor Dreadnought -Tx

Invictor Dreadnought (Conversion) -Tx

Progress Photos

Hearth Guard Colors

  • Armor (Main)
    • Dark Blue Grey (Pro Acryl)
    • Dry brush Russ Grey (Citadel)
  • Shoulders, helmet (Spot Color)
    • Russ Grey (Citadel)
    • *Relayer up after all over wash
  • Weapon & Metals (Main)
    • Dark Silver (Pro Acryl)
    • Screaming Bell (Citadel)
    • Extra color?
  • Aquila & Decorations
    • Bright Gold (Pro Acryl)
  • Pouches and Leather
    • Light Umber (Pro Acryl)
  • Webbing (& Blacks)
    • Coal Black (Pro Acryl)
  • Purity Seals
    • Zandri Dust (Citadel)
    • Magenta (Pro Acryl)
  • Lenses
    • Bold Pyrol Red (Pro Acryl)
  • All Over Wash
    • Agrax Earthshade (Citadel)


Home World: Arinnheim - Icelandic fjords, volcanos and black sand beaches. Hearth Guard have a spiritualism which values respecting ancestors. Large, ancient statues and ruins scatter their home world.